asheville_success_coachingWHAT IS SUCCESS COACHING?

Success Coaching is becoming more and more popular these days, but to many people it is still a mystery. What exactly is it? Who is it for? What does it do? How is it different from counseling and consulting?

I have a few answers that can help you decide if having a Success Coach would be an asset for you. Come along for the ride if you are an individual seeking personal growth, an individual seeking career growth, or a business person reaching for a grander vision.

At Success Coaching Institute, I offer three types of coaching: Personal Coaching, Executive Coaching, and Business Coaching

Your initial Success Coaching session is your opportunity to evaluate the coaching program. You and your coach must accept each other.

In Personal Coaching, I focus on your whole self, empowering you in the specific areas that you want to improve in: your life’s purpose, having more fun, transforming stress, gaining a better understanding of how to improve your finances, your health, and your relationships. I help you create the life you most desire. Together we discover what the next best step is, and you are held accountable to what you say you will do. Do you want to discover your passions, make a living doing what you love, make more money, create deeper relationship, or create better health? You decide.

There are many benefits in Success Coaching: You will create a feeling of freshness and newness in your life. Time will fly and happiness will increase. You will become a better role model for your children or employees (they mirror what you do and how you feel, not what you say). You will attract into your life more people that you like and are fun to be with. Finally, you will leave a legacy by leaving footprints behind that are of your conscious choosing.

What will this involve? You will be asked questions, and given assignments by your coach to stretch your thinking (reading books, watching movies, having conversations, writing, and more…). This will help you to expand your horizons, and enrich your life. The goal is Life Balance.

In Executive Coaching, I help you develop your public or business self: I help you develop the very specific skills that you personally feel you need to develop to better yourself and increase your contribution to your organization. You do this with personalized help and guidance from your Success Coach. Your involvement is 100% voluntary – you must want to improve yourself, your team and your contribution in order to be accepted into the program. All exchanges between you and your coach are confidential. The goal is Success, as it relates to your career or business self.

In Business Coaching, I help you increase the value of your human capital at the same time that your profits go up! I help you develop the leadership, the smart systems and the healthy energized culture you need to succeed. I help you engineer your business vision into reality.

As a business leader, you can also benefit from our customized workshops, seminars and speeches designed to fit your specific needs. The goal is increased profits and a healthy, energized business culture.

Some of our most requested topics include:

My own ABC Success System!

A – Accountability, Action, Attitude and Appreciation
The A’s that impact your business life. Tips for greater performance and productivity.

B – Balance and Focus
How to have your life reflect your priorities. Defining time-frames for priorities. Tips to keep focused on what is most important to you.

C – Consistent Leverage
How best to leverage your time, relationships and communication. Leverage your market with a narrower focus for greater results.

Additional topics:

– Difficult People, Difficult Conversations.

– Achieving Extraordinary Results. Top Tips for Extreme Productivity.

– Top Stress Busting Tips for Coping in This Fast Paced World.

– Work/Life Balance & Focus. Top Tips For a Life You Love

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How is Success Coaching different from counseling?

Counseling is a wonderful tool for helping people understand and move beyond their pain. It is helpful for people who are feeling stuck in the past, who are having difficulty living in the present and creating a positive future. Counseling is useful for people who feel that their situation, condition or position in life is the result of some external force. Counseling works best when you feel there is something wrong with you or with your life and you want to fix it.

Success Coaching, on the other hand, works best when you know there is something right with you and you want to make it better. Coaching is for self-responsible people who feel that their situation, condition or position in life – good or bad – is the result of their own choices. When pain comes up in coaching I focus on discovering its gifts and how to grow stronger from it. Coaching works best when you know you have gifts to offer the world and you would like to make them better, stronger and brighter.

How is Success Coaching different from consulting?

Consulting is way the way to go when you need an expert to take care of a specific need, and you do not have the time or desire to learn the skill for yourself. For example, if you hire a computer consultant, his or her job is not to teach you how to fix computers, but to do it for you (thank goodness!). The consultant does the work and the consultant keeps the knowledge.
In Success Coaching, you do the work. Think about it, in sports, have you ever seen the coach run the race? Of course not – if the coach runs the race the coach gets the medal! Success Coaching works with this principle: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!” A great Success Coach is a master teacher who helps you draw strength from within to learn at your own pace what you need to succeed. You do the work, you apply the skills and you become better for it.

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